trees of my city
Trees of My City is a new TV/online series that encourages, inspires and celebrates diversity in outdoor recreation, urban parks and protecting the environment.
The series focuses on people of color having fun and taking action in urban, suburban and countryside settings. Created and hosted by Roberto Mighty - an independent Public Television Producer, filmmaker and artist-in-residence at Harvard Forest.
Genre: Upbeat TV lifestyle series. Stories about real people. Mostly of color.
Niche: Diversity & Inclusiveness in outdoor activities, recreation & conservation across America; especially urban settings from Oakland to Harlem and Minnesota to Florida.
Series Format: Web: 2-5 minute webisodes. TV: Half-hour episodes
It’s about people. Not “causes”
Episodes are strongly hosted to build series engagement.
Shoot/Edit Format: 4K. Emphasis on state-of-the-art action shots using drones, gimbals, action cameras, sliders, jibs, etc.
Episode 1: Birding in the Berkshires with the Eagle Eye Institute
Host/Producer Roberto Mighty
I love hiking in the countryside, filming and photographing the epic beauty of nature. But even if you don’t have access to transportation, or don’t have time to drive for hours, you can still enjoy nature in the city or in the suburbs - if you know where to look.
When I was a kid, our family lived in Alaska, and we loved hiking and camping. When we moved to New York, we always found places to enjoy nature. Later, filmmaking at Harvard led me to a greater appreciation of landscape, and to a deep concern over how some people feel they don’t, can’t or shouldn’t have access to the natural world.
Episode 2: Surfing in New York City with the Black Surf Association